Peacemakers - 29 Seconds
Peacemakers - Season 1, Episode 2 (USA only)
Original Airdate: August 7, 2003
Director: Larry Carroll
Actors: Tom Berenger, Colby Johansson, Amy Carlson, Peter O'Meara, Bellamy Young, Bob Gunton, Barbara Tyson, Jim Shield, Greg Cipes
Guests: Elizabeth Rice, Roger Cross, James McDonald
Runtime: 43 min.
Stone and Finch introduce the concept of ballistics to prove that a convicted murderer is innocent. But if they can't find the real killer in time, he will still be hung.
Trivia: Elizabeth Rice (Amy Owen) plays Margaret Sterling in the TV show Mad Men. Roger Cross (Isaac Evans) played Curtis Manning in season 6 of the TV series, 24.